Date: 16-18 November, 10am Eastern
Asia Track, Wednesday 24 November, 9am-11am Dubai
Location: Online
Recording: Available in the Whova App*

The Covid-19 Pandemic was a game changer for airline and travel payments. From touchless technology to crypto, how customers want to pay has been transformed. We just experienced the largest refund and chargeback tsunami faced by any industry ever. On top, fraudsters have had lots of time to hone their skills and change their tactics.

So, we’re calling this event “It’s Payments, Stupid” from a famous line that U.S. President Bill Clinton’s advisors often used in jest with him. They told him, “It’s the Economy, Stupid.” Similarly, for the global Airline and Travel Industry to be sustainably profitable again, it’s all about payments, including fraud prevention.

You can’t be profitable if you don’t get paid! Join the ATPS 2021 Virtual, co-hosted with UATP, to ensure your business keeps its hard-earned revenues by staying ahead of fast moving payment trends.


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Official ATPS Pre-Session
Tuesday 9th November

9:00am – 10:00am Eastern
(3:00pm – 4:00pm European)


Official ATPS Pre-Session
The Great Payments Reboot: A 360 Degree View of Effective Travel Payments

Paul van Alfen, Managing Director, Up In the Air
Tuuli Perkio, VP, MasterCard
William Pershke, VP Airline Consulting, Elavon
Bob Kaufman, CEO & Founder, ConnexPay

The Covid-19 Pandemic was a game changer for airline and travel payments. From touchless technology to crypto, how customers want to pay has been transformed. We just experienced the largest refund and chargeback tsunami faced by any industry ever. On top, fraudsters have had lots of time to hone their skills and change their tactics.

Emerging Payments Day
Tuesday 16th November

10:00am – 10:20am Eastern
(4:00pm – 4:20pm European)

The Emerging Payments Landscape

Rachel Morowitz, SVP Partner Processing, UATP

– Michelle Byerley,  VP AIR Partnerships, Uplift

10:20am – 10:45am Eastern
(4:20pm – 4:45pm European)

Insights on Emerging Payments in Travel from survey conducted with UATP

Gregoire Toussaint, Directory at Strategy Consultancy, Edgar, Dunn & Company

10:45am – 11:30am Eastern
(4:45pm – 5:30pm European)

Panel Discussion: Driving Adoption of Emerging Payments

Chris Staab, Managing Partner, Ai Events

Olli Kallioinen, CEO, LoyaltyPays
Seth Friedman, VP Payment Partnerships & Specialized Sales, Citcon
Michelle Byerley,  VP AIR Partnerships, Uplift
Merrick Theobald, VP Marketing, BitPay

Maarten Rooijers, Industry Payments Veteran & Consultant with Up in the Air
Robson Rodrigues, Director Sales Implementation, UATP


  • Adopting BNPL, Crypto, QR Code Payments & Stablecoin
  • Getting payments though the IT queue
  • Customer loyalty and Emerging Payments

Fraud Day: Beyond Traditional Credit Card Fraud
Wednesday 17th November

10:00am – 10:05am Eastern
(4:00pm – 4:05pm European)

Welcome Remarks

Jamie Nix, Managing Director, IT, UATP

10:05am – 10:30am Eastern
(4:05pm – 4:30pm European)

Fraud Stories from the Trenches

Doug Nass, Manager-Fraud Investigations, ARC

As Director of Fraud Prevention at ARC, Doug sees more fraud than most. He’ll be sharing the latest fraud and scams that he’s been seeing.

10:30am – 10:40am Eastern
(4:30pm – 4:40pm European)

The State of Fraud

Christian Kameir, Managing Partner, Sustany Capital

Chris Kameir is a managing partner at blockchain venture fund Sustany Capital. He’s also a Board Member of OpenTravel and contributes to the Fintech program at Harvard University. He also writes for Forbes on Fintech related issues.

10:40am – 10:45am Eastern
(4:40pm – 4:45pm European)

Buy Now Pay Later: What are the Fraud and Risk Implications?

– Hubert Rachwalski, CEO, Nethone

10:45am – 11:00am Eastern
(4:45pm – 5:00pm European)

Results of the global Airline & Travel Industry Chargebacks Survey

Harlan Hutson, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Chargebacks911

11:00am – 11:45am Eastern
(4:00pm – 5:45pm European)

Panel: What are the New Types of Fraud

Chris Staab, Managing Partner, Ai Events

Mark Michelon, President, Accertify
Paulo Moura, VP Business Development, Nethone
Doug Nass, Manager-Fraud Investigations, ARC
Nicola Gandy, Director, Azacus


  • Is credit card fraud dead?
  • What are the fraudsters up to during Covid?
  • Is Telegram the “New Dark” for fraudsters to buy stolen travel?
  • Chargebacks: Where are we after the refund challenge of Covid?
  • Behavioral Biometrics: Is post-booking fraud prevention still sufficient?

2022 Payments Outlook
Thursday 18th November

10:00am – 10:05am Eastern
(4:00pm – 5:05pm European)

Welcome Remarks

Robson Rodrigues, Director Sales Implementation, UATP

10:05am – 10:15am Eastern
(4:05pm – 4:15pm European)

2022 Payments Outlook from a Fintech´s Perstpective

Mike Parkinson, Director of Travel, Trustly

10:15am – 11:00am Eastern
(4:15pm – 5:00pm European)

What better way to look at the 2022 payments and fraud outlook than via a panel of the brightest minds in airline payment consulting?

Rachel Stephens, Senior Partner Manager, Global Airline, Travel, and Hospitality, Worldpay

Paul van Alfen, Managing Director, Up in the Air
Masha Cilliers, Principal Consultant, Payment Options
Jan Smith, Founding Partner, Koresfusion

ATPS 2021 APAC: Focus on Fintech
Wednesday 24th November

09:00am – 11:00am Dubai
(4:00pm – 6:00pm Sydney)

ATPS 2021 APAC: Focus on Fintech

David Ojerholm, Company Director, The Initiatives Group

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