Airline & Travel Payments Summit London 2024

Date: Wednesday 22 May:
Pre-Session: 2pm-5pm
Welcome Reception: 5pm-7pm
Thursday 23 May:
Conference: 8am-5pm
Evening Reception: 5pm-6pm
Location: London, United Kingdom
Delegates: 350

ATPS 2024 was the only annual event dedicated to the global Airline & Travel Industry on payments and fraud prevention. The theme for 2024’s conference was Everything. Everywhere. And all at once: Delivering Solutions.

Whether it’s payment insights from the likes of Air Europa, Norwegian and Iberia, or take-aways from fraud prevention professionals, including some from British Airways, Southwest Airlines and Hyatt Hotels, ATPS was the place to be to get ahead of payment and fraud trends in the Airline and Travel Industry, as well as to make the best related business contacts.


Video: Conference Recap by its Chair

Click To View Full Agenda & Download Presentations
Wednesday 22nd of May

12:30pm – 2:00pm

Hotel Only Loyalty Fraud Discussion Group

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Welcome Coffee & Registration
Payments Track

Track Chairman:
Wendy Ward, CMO, UATP

Fraud Track in Association with the Loyalty Security Alliance (LSA)

Track Chairman:
Chris Staab, Co-Founder, Loyalty Security Alliance


Welcome Remarks from Conference Chairman

Wendy Ward, CMO, UATP

Welcome Remarks from the Fraud Track Chairman

Chris Staab, Co-Founder, LSA

2:30pm – 3:00pm

ChatGPT, AI, Machine Learning And Big Data

We’ve all heard of them. We all know a bit about them, but what beyond the hype are they? Everything you wanted to know, explained in a relevant way!

Loyalty Fraud Roundtable – Introductions & Sharing of Challenges


Chris Staab, Co-Founder, LSA

3:00pm – 3:45pm

What Are The Practical Implications Of All This New Ai-driven Tech For Payments And Fraud?

What needs to be done to incorporate generative ai into best business practice? Do we need to worry about ai taking over and making bad decisions? does ai threaten or improve our jobs? This session will have presenters on various topics relating to how this is developing and will be followed by a panel discussion.


Michael Smith, Board Director, Ai Events

Presenters and Topics
– How AI is changing the Chargeback landscape and driving down costs
– Airlines & travel companies are full of (big) data. Will all this new tech help make better use of it?
– Account Take Overs – can AI and other new tech stop it?

Ruhan Basson, Senior Director, Arkose
Patrick van der Knoop, Payment Strategies for Airlines & Travel, PagoNxt Merchant Solutions
Dror Cohen, VP Partnerships, Justt
Toreson Lloyd, Co-Founder & CCO, Apexx Global

>Download Arkose Presentation Here
>Download Justt Presentation Here
Loyalty Fraud Roundtable – Account Takeovers (brief presentations followed by audience discussion)

Kick Off Presenter

Mike Brooks, Product Manager, Darwinium

>Download Presentation Here

3:45pm – 4:15pm

Coffee break & Networking Sponsored by Discover

4:15pm – 5:00pm

Dealing With The Challenges Of 2024

AFPs and BNPL have boomed over the last few years.  They have, however, added complexity to an already complex ecosystem.  How do we as industry deal with the consequences of innovation?  Have we thought through the knock-on impacts in areas like chargebacks and refunds for example?

Is a solution payment orchestration?  That throws up their own challenges (as well as opportunities) so how well are companies dealing with this?  This session is a chance to share best practice from the front line of airlines & travel companies dealing with those challenges alongside their industry partners.


Laurie Gablehouse, Travel Payment Strategies & Solutions, Worldline

Panellists & Presenters
Christelle Brenin, Senior Manager Payment Fraud & Chargeback, Swiss Lufthansa Group
Sam Powell, Senior Product Owner, Travel Counsellors and Emily Christianson, Senior Customer Success Manager, Br-dge | Simplifying the ecosystem
Liam Nuttal, Payments Manager, Etihad Airways
Ahmed Bennis, Head of Customer Success for Airlines, Outpayce | Payments Customer Experiences

>Download BR-DGE Presentation Here
>Download Outpayce Presentation Here
Loyalty Fraud Roundtable – Closed Door Discussion Group on the latest Loyalty Fraud issues

5:00pm – 7:00pm

Networking Reception Sponsored by Visa
Thursday 23rd of May 2024

8:30am – 9:15am

Welcome Coffee & Networking

9:15am – 9:30am

Opening Remarks from Conference Chair

Laurie Gablehouse, Travel Payment Strategies & Solutions, Worldline

9:30am – 10:30am

State Of Payments And Fraud

From Digital Identities, Biometrics, Open Banking, Payment Wallets and the Ever present challenges of Fraud and Regulation (PCI V4 And PSD 3 to name but two!) How Are Airlines & Travel Companies Prepared? This session will cover the key trends that participants need to stay ahead from the perspective of some of the best minds in airline and travel payments and fraud.

Michael Smith, Board Advisor, Ai Events

Presenters & Panellists
Simon Eve, Director Travel & Partnerships, Trustly and Mette Evensen, Payment Manager, Norwegian Airlines
Jeremy King, Regional VP EMEA, PCI Security Standards
Yogender Singh Rana, Lead Officer – Payments Fraud & Chargebacks, Qatar Airways

>Download Trustly Presentation Here
>Download PCI SS Presentation Here

10:30am – 11:00am

Coffee Break & Networking
Payments Track

Track Chairman:
Laurie Gablehouse, Travel Payment Strategies & Solutions, Worldline

Fraud Track in Association with the Loyalty Security Alliance (LSA)

Track Chairman:
Chris Staab, Co-Founder, Loyalty Security Alliance

11:00am – 11:30am

Payments Track

Beyond orchestration: How to fix the problems

John Taylor, Head of Airline Payments, Nium

Yago Casasnovas, Payments & Fraud Prevention, Air Europa
Joost van der Sande, Retail Strategy Director, Air France-KLM 

Fraud & LSA Track

Results of the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Global State of Fraud and Identity Report

Jason Lane-Sellers, Director Market Planning EMEA, LexisNexis Risk Solutions

>Download Presentation Here

11:30am – 12:00pm

Payments Track

Build in house versus buy?  Case study of the issues and challenges with this eternal question!

Fabien Mollinari, Payment Product Manager, Aer Lingus
Vojin Rakonjac, VP Travel, Endava

>Download Presentation Here

Fraud & LSA Track

Digital Identity – the solution to preventing fraud for airline & travel merchants?

Tami Eick, Finance, Southwest Airlines
David Rojas-Cogolludo, Fraud Investigator, British Airways
Catherine Malec, VP/GM EMEA, Accertify

12:00pm – 12:30pm

Payments Track

Applying the payments’ lessons from B2C to your own B2B Payments

Alfonso Valera Cuevas, Distribution Futures Manager, Iberia
Menel Nevzatova, Digital Payments and Fraud, Iberia
Patrik Novák, VP Financial Solutions, Kiwi
Cristina Ortega Garcia, VP Business Development, Mastercard

In conversation with

Paul van Alfen, Travel Payment Strategist, Up In The Air

>Download Mastercard Presentation Here

Fraud & LSA Track

Disputes, First Party Fraud and Chargebacks misuse

Dror Cohen, VP Partnerships, Justt

>Download Presentation Here

12:30pm – 2:00pm

Lunch & Networking

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Payments Track

Case Study:  How payment innovation drives conversion and increases average transaction value

Yago Casasnovas, Payments & Fraud Prevention, Air Europa
Samuel Flynn, CEO, Hands In

>Download Presentation Here

Fraud & LSA Track

The Challenge of Onboard sales fraud:  How to manage & handle them

Martin Cunnison, Business Development Director, AirFi
Larissa Zell, Senior Vertical Strategy Manager, Worldpay

>Download Presentation Here

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Payments Track

Latest Developments in Air Travel Payments

Simon Thompson, Global Business Development B2B Travel, Visa interviewed by
Greg Toussaint, Director, Edgar, Dunn & Company

Fraud & LSA Track

Fraud View from the Front Line

Chris Staab, Co-Founder, LSA in conversation with

Front Line Experts

Jan Jaap Kramer, Founder, Travel Fraud Guard
– Maggi Fritzsche, Manager Fraud Investigation, Hyatt Hotels
Marjolein Grothauzen, Senior Product Manager,

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Payments Track

Payment Optimisation and innovation

Dagfinn Misund, Director Payment & Fraud, Norwegian
Torstein Alkanger, Payment Manager, Norwegian
Igor Molchanov, VP Relationships Global Airline Acquiring, Elavon

In conversation with

Masha Cilliers, Executive Payments Industry Specialist, Payment Options

Fraud & LSA Track

Case Study:  Account Take Overs and Cyber at Lufthansa

Michael Stiefler, Senior Security Architect, Lufthansa Systems

>Download Presentation Here

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Coffee Break & Networking

4:00pm – 5:00pm

Lions´ Den | Live Innovative Product Pitches

New payments and fraud-related products are key to driving down costs and improving sales conversions. The Ai Events Lions’ Den has showcased numerous new financial start-ups which have gone on to achieve great success. Adyen is a prime example, having pitched just after its founding- and just look at them now! Accertify also had just a handful of employees when it pitched!

These are paid-for 5-minute sales pitches, and do you have what it takes to follow in the footsteps of previous successful pitching companies? If you believe that you do, then drop an email to Michael Smith, the event Chairman and Ringmaster of this Lions’ Den, to get more details on why this is the place to showcase your product innovation!

Ringmaster and Judges
– Michael Smith, Board Advisor, Ai Events
Jonathan Davidson, Manager Loyalty, Star Alliance
Holly Evans, Revenue Protection Manager, easyJet
Ömer Faruk Albayrak, Senior Analyst, Turkish Airlines

Pitching Companies

Congratulations To Darwinium: Winner of Best Product And Best Pitch In The 2024 ATPS Lions’ Den
Lions Den

5:00pm – 6:00pm

Networking Reception Sponsored by Discover


ATPS 2024 Hot Topics

  • Latest Fraud Attack Vectors and how to stay ahead of them
  • Open Banking – what it is and the implications for your business
  • New Alternative Forms of Payment that need to be on your radar
  • Protecting your Business from Account Takeovers
  • Passwords: Are they still Necessary?
  • B2B Payments & how take advantage of cost savings
  • Payment Technology: Build verus Buy
  • Web 3.0 and Payments – are you ready?
  • PSD 3 the Regulators are coming (again!)
  • Account Take Overs – with our increasingly digital world this impacts not just loyalty accounts
  • Cybersecurity – why cyber hygiene is not just a topic for IT professionals
  • ChatGPT, Big Data, AI – what are they and how will they impact payments & fraud?

Are we missing a topic/area that you think needs addressed for the 2025 event?  Please drop an email to Michael Smith, the conference chairman so that we can add it!

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